Friday, November 27, 2009


a. Reduce, re-use and recycle
Methods to reduce the amount of waste generated in the first place, together with the re-use and recycling of
wastes, must be considered. There is scope for significant savings, as the costs of raw materials and waste disposal
continue to rise. Advice on waste minimisation and local initiatives can be obtained from your nearest Agency office.
Independent advice on this and on any other environmental problem is available free through the Envirowise
Helpline on 0800 585794.
b. Duty of Care and waste leg islation
To prevent fly-tipping, producers of waste must ensure that it remains under their control and is passed on only to
a registered waste carrier and is accompanied by a full description. Some wastes, such as used mineral oil, are subject
to the Special Waste Regulations, which impose additional controls on movement and disposal
Contact your local Agency office for further advice.
c. Storage

All wastes must be stored in designated areas that are isolated from surface drains and bunded to contain any
spillages. Rubbish compactors should be covered to prevent the build-up of contaminated rainwater and drained
to the foul sewer to prevent polluting liquid entering the surface water drains. Compactor hydraulics should be
maintained in good order.

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